Victor Song

Victor Song studied fine arts with a minor in photography at Carnegie Mellon University. He created the series "blur" to play around with different shutter speeds on his camera. He combined different flashes and long exposures to make different kind of portraits.

I love this photo, because of the uniqueness. The abnormality of the face with the movement. You can see there is only one movement in this photo, and that is with the mouth. It gives a sort of demonic feel to it. I tried playing around just one single movement in my work, but it just didnt give the same effect and feel longer movements would be more effective in my work.

This photo is similar to one that I have already taken with the head movement, creating a double face.  Mine is a portrait and shows the models full body, but my photo could also be cropped to the same ratio as Victor Songs photo. I would like to maybe crop my photos for this for my final photos.   I like these photos because of the only movement being the head and the shoulders and neck are still, and completely sharp, I would like to try and get the more sweeping motion like in Victor Song's photos, whereas mine is more just still movements.


Title – narrative (hows life?) Area of investigation – peoples responses to a simple, non-descriptive question. Using a long shutter ...