Blythe Bohnen

Blythe Bohnen was born in Evanston, Illinois,  She is was one of the founding members of A.I.R. Gallery, a women's cooperative arts organization. Bohnen began her career as a painter, and in her paintings and drawings of 1968-73 she explored the effects of physical gesture and examined how bodily motion affects artistic production. She first used a camera in 1974 to photograph her hand and arm in motion, in the process of making art. Her photographic self-portrait series from the early 1980s continues on themes of motion and identity.
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I like the uniqueness of this photo, with the movements creating a distorted face, giving a sort of scary nature. I like this in black and white because you focus on the movements rather than the details of the colours. From this photo I thought about using a white background but after doing a shoot with the white, have decided the black background shows the movements off more for me and also I feel gives more of a dramatic look.
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I like this series of photographs, showing the model during different movements. I feel it gives a bit of photobooth feel to it, with the images going down vertically. I may consider doing this for my final prints, whether its the same person or different people, I really like the layout. Once again I like the photographs in black and white, make you focus on the shadow movements alot more.

This photo reminds me of Bylthe Bohens' work with you not really being able to see the models face but being able to tell it is a person. Giving the person no identity, the way I want my photos so anyone can identify as the person in the photo, feeling their own emotions when they see the photo. 


Title – narrative (hows life?) Area of investigation – peoples responses to a simple, non-descriptive question. Using a long shutter ...