Shoot 8 - JAMIL

This photoshoot went really well, getting strong movements within the photograph, the model managed to move in such a way that it created strong blur, but also had still parts within it. I am happy that I decided to go with landscape rather than portrait, as it gives the movement more room around it, making the photo feel larger. To improve I would make sure the white balance is correct as the model came out extremely red, for this series it doesn't matter as much because I am turning the photos black and white, but if I didn't know I was doing that I would have reshot all of these photos, so atleast if I wanted to use them in colour, they would be correct.

Edited Photos:

For this edited photo I went with more background, and edited the bacgkround to be darker. I decided with the photo that you could see the indentiy of the person and I feel like you couldn't relate as much with the photo.

This photo was edited from the contact sheet. I went with this one because of the different movements from the rest of my shoots, with the movement being more of a sweeping, rather than side to side. I also like the still parts of the photo, being able to see its a person, but it still doesnt give them an identity.

Answers to Question:

Jamil gave me an answer to the question How's Life? before I started the shoot. I wanted him to think about it and then not have to think about his answer during the shoot, as he could of over complicated his answer. After the shoot he asked me if he could write something else aswell as his answer, which was not a problem, which he then wrote a quote from Winston Churchill, as he said during the shoot when I was explaining my concpet in more detail and what I want the outcome to be, he remembered the quote and thought it fitted quite well. I feel I would like to either use the quote within the writing or just use the quote on its own, sort of like a title/ bio.


Title – narrative (hows life?) Area of investigation – peoples responses to a simple, non-descriptive question. Using a long shutter ...