Shoot 6 - BETH

This shoot was very successful, as the model let loose more and didn't care about having to move around, and didn't just stand there. The contact sheet shows how she moved, using her hands a lot in her movements make them a lot wider, which I feel some worked and some didn't so much, One of favourites are the ones where you put her hands through her hair because they create stillness through the photo.

This is one of my most successful photos, I think the outcome was want I have always wanted to achieve. To improve I would maybe get some more head movements, rather than just the three you can see in the photo. I really prefer this photo in black and white, as it gives it more of a dramatic effect, compared to the coloured photos on the contact sheets. To improve upon this I would get rid of the specs within the white, and will be doing this using photoshop for my final exhibition prints.


Title – narrative (hows life?) Area of investigation – peoples responses to a simple, non-descriptive question. Using a long shutter ...