Shoot 4 - EMILY

This shoot went really well as the model was a lot more calm and moved around alot more. I got some really great photos that could be potentials for my final pieces. I also took some photos with the flash on to see if I preferred a more still image with only slight blurring, but have decided against that as I prefer the more movement. To improve on from this shoot I would shoot in black and white to see what sort of shadows and highlights I would get from it.

Edited Photos:

I then decided to edit a photo into portrait, just to see if I would change my mind on the landscape and decided to carry on with landscape because of having alot more area around the model.

I really like this photo, the movements, around the still photo in the center is the sort of photo, I had invisioned from the start. I like the photo in black and white and will continue to turn the photos into black and white.

This photo was really great outcome, there is not alot of movement, but the movement there is created a really abstract photo. It has kept the movement within the models body, but the eyes are dragged and multiplied.


Title – narrative (hows life?) Area of investigation – peoples responses to a simple, non-descriptive question. Using a long shutter ...