Shoot 3 - CHLOE

This shoot didn't go as well as the first one, even though the light is a lot better on the face, the movements didn't come out aswell as hoped, but they're is a few photos which I like a lot from this shoot. To improve on this photoshoot, I would bring more movements in I feel the model may of been slightly nervous due to the fact she had never done anything like this before.

I decided to cut down on the amount of lights to make the model less washed out. After looking at the photos I saw this worked really well. I set the light to F7 so it was bright enough to light the model.

Edited photos:

I really like this photo, with the dark background and the movements. I also decided to turn the photos into landscape, with more background in them. I like not seeing the enitre body of the model as I want the focus to on the movements in the face.

I think this photo is symplistic with the movements but I like this photo because of this, creating a drag in the models face.

I then went on to ask my model the question that bases this project, and that being hows life? I decided to do this after because I wanted to talk about what the models been upto and what her life is like to find out about her and then ask the question after to get her outer and inner feelings. I once again like the other models told her to write down as little or as much as she wanted and it didnt have to be meaningful. She then gave me her answer which fit with what she was telling me, the stress of uni and work balance.


Title – narrative (hows life?) Area of investigation – peoples responses to a simple, non-descriptive question. Using a long shutter ...