Gillian Wearing

Gillian Wearing was born in 1963. She is an English conceptual artist, and is a winner of the Turner Prize. Gillian Wearing was elected as a lifetime member of the Royal Academy of Arts in London. Her statue of the suffragist Millicent Fawcett is on London Parliment Square.Image result for gillian wearing biography

Gillian Wearings photographs from this series are what inspired me to get peoples repsonses to a simple question on a piece of paper. To go with their photographs. I don't want to answer in the actual photo like hers, but have thought about getting the model to write over the final print inspired by Duane Michals, with him doing this over his work.

Image result for gillian wearing biography
I like that the photographs show the different writing of each person given each photo more personality. Some of the answers I got are below, which have been scanned in. I decided to let the models write as little or as much as they liked. Giving them more freedom and also not to over think their answers. To improve upon this area of research I am thinking of asking them at different times during the shoot.


Title – narrative (hows life?) Area of investigation – peoples responses to a simple, non-descriptive question. Using a long shutter ...