Feedback 1

From this feedback form, I have decided to get more people out of my friendship group, and have asked students at the university through facebook if anyone would be willing to model for me. From this I have had a few responses, and will be photographing them. I have also printed off some example of the other shoots I have done to give the models an idea of what I want them to do. 
I have decided not to construct the reply's to the question hows life, as I want the models answer, as I feel it will tell you more about the photo. 

Further Notes: 
I have decided to go with a black backdrop as after seeing Tom Ziebinskis work, I feel it would make it look more dramatic.
I am still not sure whether to have the photographs in colour or in black and white, as I feel black and white will make you focus on the face of the model more, because you are not distracted by the models clothing or other colours in the photo. It also makes everyone neutral.


Title – narrative (hows life?) Area of investigation – peoples responses to a simple, non-descriptive question. Using a long shutter ...