Tom Ziebinski

Tom Ziebinski uses long shutter speeds to create is work "modern drag downs", which is my main focus and inspiration throughout this project. His work is simple, with elegant movements, showing off the humn body in a different way.

Image result for Tom Ziebinski

His work is the sort of work I want to do with the movements of the body, and the pure black background. The lighting focused on just lighting the subject and not the background. gives that sharp 
look. I have tried the movements of hands in my work, in not such a clean way but it gives my photo wider angle to it.

Image result for Tom Ziebinski

With this photo I like the face being amongst the movements of the arms and legs. It leads you into the photograph and the face being the focal point. I want to try and create more movements within my photos like Tom Ziebinski's rather than Suzanne Lafonts works, as I feel his work is more the approach I would like to go down.

This is my Ziebinski style photo, I feel like this was one of my strongest shoots as the model moved around a lot more and was more relaxed and not awkward or stiff. I feel like the movements are very similar to Ziebinski's, the only thing I would improve on is to make the background darker.


Title – narrative (hows life?) Area of investigation – peoples responses to a simple, non-descriptive question. Using a long shutter ...