Adavantages -
The completion of a circle
Enter at any point in the circle
Disadvantages -
Has to follow chronilogically.
Linear Narrative:
This narrative has a start, middle and end, and can be in storybooks and soap operas. A photography example is Rineka Dijkstra.
Easy to understand
Build tensions
Basic and predictable
User Defined Narrative:
This narrative can be split into two sides, and can be seen in films like the impostwe. A photographer is Duane Michals.
Advantages -
The user is in control of the narrative offering them freedom
Disadvantages -
Can be left open ended
Might not get the message across
This narrative is that you remove or replace the subject from its central role, which has been used by woody allen. A photographer who uses this was Man Ray.
Advantages -
No clear theme or structure so more ambiguous
Non Linear Narrative:
This Narrative doesnt work in a sequence or chronillogical order, and is used in films such as; pulp fiction, dunkirk and toy story. A photography example is Cindy Sherman.